
More than 2.每年有300万人被诊断患有乳腺癌, and in 95% of countries, 乳腺癌是女性癌症死亡的第一或第二大原因.1 However, 并非所有患者都能获得最佳的乳腺癌治疗, which results in notable disparities in outcomes within, and across countries around the globe.2-4

The 2024 Powering Breast Cancer Progress grant is now open!

资助计划的详情载于 Guidance for Applicants document. 请在开始申请前仔细阅读.


Recognising inequities in breast cancer care

The introduction of breast cancer screening, earlier diagnosis and innovative therapies, 随着对疾病认识的提高,乳腺癌患者的存活率大大提高.5 However, significant inequities persist in breast cancer care, 因此,乳腺癌死亡率的降低并没有在患者群体中得到平等的分享.2-4

Patients often experience differences in their diagnosis, 根据他们的身份和居住地进行治疗和护理, rather than their clinical needs.2-4 这些护理的不平等可能导致结果的重大差异,例如:

  • 过去四十年来在高收入国家观察到的乳腺癌死亡率下降,在大多数低收入和中等收入国家尚未实现.6
  • Even within countries, 根据几个因素可以观察到护理的不公平, such as age, disability, ethnicity, gender, rural and remote communities, sexual orientation and socio-economic status.2-4

The Powering Breast Cancer Progress grant programme 是一项由澳门在线赌城娱乐公司资助并由 Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). 它的建立是由于认识到世界各地在乳腺癌护理方面存在不公平现象,以及在获得最佳护理方面存在重大障碍,这些障碍导致了可避免的乳腺癌死亡. 该方案旨在资助创新和鼓舞人心的项目,这些项目可以帮助改变乳腺癌护理,为那些不应得到护理的患者群体和生活在社会经济地位较低地区的患者提供护理.

In 2024, its inaugural year, “推动乳腺癌进展”资助项目将重点关注乳腺癌患者导航. 患者导航是患者体验的一个组成部分,因为它可以帮助个人导航他们复杂的护理路径.7,8 

Improving access to patient navigation services

患者导航是指个性化的帮助, both clinical and non-clinical, 为患者提供从诊断到生存和/或姑息治疗的复杂卫生系统导航.7,9,10 它被认为是乳腺癌患者的重要资源,因为它被认为可以改善患者的预后7 and reduce the impact on healthcare systems.11

However, 在获得病人导航服务方面存在重大障碍, 在难以接触到的患者和生活在社会经济地位较低地区的患者中,这种情况更为明显.3,4,12  These barriers include a lack of recognition, 方案模式和方法不一致以及结构性障碍, such as limited resources and investment.7 In some countries, 缺乏对病人导航员的培训和专业化, in most cases, 目前还没有官方认可的肿瘤患者导航认证, resulting in a lack of navigators, 全球护士短缺加剧了这一问题.8

通过“推动乳腺癌进展”资助计划, we hope to improve the awareness, 为服务不足的患者群体和生活在低社会经济地位地区的患者提供和获取患者导航规划.

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1.    World Health Organization. WHO launches new roadmap on breast cancer. Available at: http://www.who.int /新闻/项目/ 03 - 02 - 2023 -人-发射-新-路线图乳房癌症. Accessed March 2024.

2.    Siegel RL, Miller KD, Jemal A. Cancer statistics, 2020. CA Cancer J Clin. 2020;70:7-30.

3.    Brawley OW, Berger MZ:癌症和健康差异:健康统计和研究问题的视角. Cancer 113:1744-1754, 2008 (suppl 7).

4.    Byers T. 二十年来癌症死亡率的下降:差距的进步. Annu Rev Public Health. 2010;31:121–132.

5.    Feng Y, et al. Breast cancer development and progression: Risk factors, cancer stem cells, signalling pathways, genomics, and molecular pathogenesis. Genes & diseases. 2018;5(2), 77–106.

6.    World Health Organization. Breast cancer inequities.Available at: http://www.who.int /计划/ global-breast-cancer-initiative / breast-cancer-inequities. Accessed March 2024.

7.    Baik SH, Gallo LC, Wells KJ. 患者导航在乳腺癌治疗和生存:一个系统的回顾. J Clin Oncol. 2016 Oct 20;34(30):3686-3696

8.    AstraZeneca Data on File. 2023. Patient Navigation Report.​

9.    Freeman HP, Rodriguez RL:患者导航的历史和原则. Cancer 117:3539-3542, 2011 (suppl 15)

10.  AstraZeneca Data on File. 2023. Patient Navigation Report.

11.  Chan RJ, et al. 跨越癌症护理连续体的患者导航:系统综述和新兴文献. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. 2023 Nov;73(6):565-89.

12.  Breast Cancer Now. Breast cancer and inequalities: a review of the evidence. Available at: http://breastcancernow.org/sites/default/files/files/breast-cancer-inequalities-summary.pdf. Accessed March 2024.

Veeva ID: Z4-64220
Date of preparation: April 2024